Directing Work

The Hustle

The Hustle was a great experience, but fast.  We shot two episodes in a week. …

Movie 43

My directorial contribution to Movie 43 with Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslett, Halle Berry and other…

Wedding Splasher

Anjelah Johnson, the funny and talented comic who plays Bon Qui Qui has a huge…

Hazelwood Documentary

This is from a documentary I shot and am still editing.  It follows a program…

Human Giants

Working with Human Giants on their Comedy Central Program was a blast.  Three super talented,…

Nigg “AR” Family

This is the infamous sketch "The Niggar Family" from Chappelle's Show.  That's "AR" not "ER". …

Blind Supremacy

The first sketch I directed for Dave Chappelle is a masterclass in socially conscious comedy…

Fishbone / Swim

I don't do a lot of music videos.  But of the ones I've done, this…

Footsteps to Freedom

This is part of a trailer for a documentary, Footsteps to Freedom, I and my…

Daily Pops (Pilot)

I shot this pilot for MTV.  One of those rare occasions where as a TV…